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is zoom a chinese app ?

Is Zoom App Chinese Company? or connection between zoom app and china?
What is a trusted app for online classes.


What is Zoom app?

Zoom app is a free HD meeting app with audio and video and screen sharing for upto 100 people.

Is Zoom app is a chinese app?

No, zoom aap an american app company. Eric S. Yuan- founder and ceo of zoom app and chinese born American billionaire businessman. The founder has already said that, the Zoom app is a fully American app.

Uses of a Zoom App?

The zoom app is very helpful in a pandemic situation.
College, school, office are closed in lockdown. People could not go out.
Right now people are maintaing social distancing. so using the zoom app, we can have class, office meeting etc from home.

What is a trusted app for online classes, office meeting etc.?

1. Google Meeting App
2. Zoom App

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